Our Farm & Gardens

Pleasant Valley Gardens is a picturesque Daylily garden and Clydesdale horse farm located on 38 acres of rolling farmland. The farm features an 1834 federal style farmhouse, a number of barns and out buildings. We have been hybridizing Daylilies for about 21 years now, we are an AHS display garden and we specializing in Toothy, round ruffled with some patterned and sculpted Daylilies in both dips and tets. We try and put out about 4000 new seedlings each year, we had our first introductions back in 2003 and as you can see from our intros and seedlings we have come to love them in all their different forms, we also sell seedling out of our garden during the blooming season. In addition to all the work Daylilies bring we also breed and raise Clydesdale's and have successfully raised 30 foals over the last 21 years, we currently have 6 of them on the farm. We are members of the American Hemerocallis society, The Metropolitan Columbus Daylily Society and the Shirley Farmers Midwest Hybridizers group. Peak bloom for us is around the 4th of July. Make plans to visit us soon. Something for everyone to enjoy.


This is how I start  my seedlings inside around February 15th
 under lights.

By April they look like this and are put outside
to harden off

I start planting them in the ground in April - May.   I drill holes in
black plastic (4-6 mil) using a 3 1/2"doorknob drillbit .
It really cuts down on weeding, helps hold in moisture
and heats up the ground in spring so the seedlings
get off to a good start.

Link to Clydesdale pictures

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